Pineapple Milkshake | Milkshake without icecream

Milkshake recipes are tastier and also nutritious. Adding different fruits to it makes a perfect recipe.
This pineapple milkshake is very simple and it is made with just 3 ingredients. Anyone can make this recipe. Once the outer skin of the pineapple is removed.Make sure that you use a fresh pineapple otherwie milk will not tastegood.Let's go to the recipe.

Recipe video:


Pineapple pieces - 1 cup
Milk - 1 cup
Sugar or honey - 1 tbsp
Cardamom Powder - 1/4 tsp (optional)


  1. Add milk to the blender
  2. Add sugar and pineapple pieces
  3. Blend it well
  4. Pour into serving glasses and enjoy

Recipe with Stepwise Pictures:

Add milk to the blender

Add sugar and pineapple pieces

Add cardamom powder (optional)

Blend it well
Pour into serving glasses and enjoy


  • If you are adding icecream add pineapple flavour
  • it will enhance the taste of your milkshake


  1. sure..u'll love the taste..thanks for your time

  2. Milkshakes are one of the most iconic American desserts. They’re refreshingly cool, slurp-ably sweet and come in pretty much any flavor you can imagine. Honestly speaking, I thought you could only get them from ice cream parlors, but seeing this post today made understand that i can make one myself. Nice recipes and thanks for sharing them here, but I just I hope make mine as delicious the ones.


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